Day: February 21, 2021

  • Plasma TV – The New-Tech Television

    Because of plasma TVs, the idea of having an CRT in the house has become very rare, or you could say that people don’t like them right now. Due to the demand for flat screens, they are mainly sold in home appliance stores. When I bought one for my TV room and watched my first…

  • Electronic Patient Referrals – New Tech Replacing Old Tech

    We often face problems in our organization’s health care system and want a better way to manage patient data. Our healthcare system is constantly evolving to improve the quality of patient care, reduce overall costs and medical errors, and make it more effective for the end user. Old-fashioned pen and paper are disappearing, and we…

  • Auto Insurance Quotes – New Tech Means Ease of Discovery

    Comparison of insurance prices has become easier thanks to the expansion of the Internet. The Internet is the best place to compare auto insurance quotes. Car owners are very important to care for the car. The right way to keep custody is to buy a car insurance plan. There are many insurers that offer auto…

  • Bringing Classic Titles Into New Tech With 3D Animation

    Walt Disney Studios recently made a lot of noise when they announced that they wanted to convert all their classic films into 3D. If even the monolith of the entertainment industry rethinks its essence, what results will it be for the rest of the industry? In the remake of classic films, of course, there is…

  • The New Tech Art Porsche Cayman With COR Wheels

    Since the 1990s, Porsche has significantly expanded its lineup. To increase sales, the company has developed a new sports car, SUV, sports sedan and another sports coupe, the Cayman, in addition to its 911 model. One of the most underrated models in the lineup is Cayman. The small sports coupe with the average engine layout…

  • MP3 Players – New Tech Old Idea

    MP3 players have been around for several years, but are still a relatively new technology applied to the old idea: “I want music of my choice in my life, now it matters where I go and what I do” MP3 players – a new look at the old idea The history of the huge popularity…