The Best And Worst Food For Your Teeth

If you’re trying to figure out which food is good for your teeth, remember it’s “bad” for your body, it’s probably “bad” for your smile too. Fruit such as mango, guava, pomegranate and figs have chemicals called flavonoids. Flavonoids help maintain oral health by killing bacteria that cause tooth decay. By adding such fruit to your diet, you can heal your teeth naturally and avoid dental problems. Helps relieve pain and helps treat toothache and gum problems.

Not only are they generally good for your health, but they can also help strengthen your teeth. Leafy vegetables are full of vitamins and calcium, which helps to Zahnarzt Bern strengthen enamel. They are also filled with folic acid, which can help prevent gum disease. If you don’t like the taste, throw vegetables in your smoothie.

Drinking water helps to remove food waste and bacteria from teeth and gums. In addition, it helps dilute the harmful acid caused by bacteria in the mouth. Brushing and flossing helps remove plaque; however, it does not help or inhibit remineralization. To keep your teeth strong, you need to follow a diet rich in minerals.

Your doctor can do a blood test to see if you have enough vitamin D in your body. When we are young, minerals such as calcium and phosphate and bone and dentin accumulate enamel that protects against caries and caries. Consider phosphorus when you consider how to strengthen enamel. Phosphorus plays a critical role in dental health as it can naturally help protect and help rebuild tooth enamel. The best sources of phosphorus can be found in foods rich in proteins such as meat, poultry, fish and eggs.

The ADA also says that you have to floss at least once a day to remove food particles and plaque between your teeth that even your toothbrush cannot reach. By flossing, remove plaque before it can harden in tartar and further reduce your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Lush Greens – Check out a list of healthy foods and you’ll definitely see green leafy vegetables.

Brushing removes harmful bacteria and plaque build-up needed to strengthen lost tooth enamel. Brush your tongue to kill bacteria and enjoy a cleaner, cooler breath. Food that strengthens the teeth does not necessarily have to be something you eat. It contains natural antimicrobials that limit and may even destroy bad bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay. In addition, green tea has naturally fluoride, which helps to re-generalize weak tooth enamel to reverse the tooth decay process. Please note that green tea also contains tannins that can contribute to tooth coloring.

However, dental hygiene practices should complement the effectiveness of fluoride products, such as toothpaste. By adopting the following habits, a person can take good care of his teeth and gums, which in turn will help prevent gum disease. Full of calcium, fiber, antioxidants and vitamins, leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and Swiss snails fight cavities and strengthen the teeth. They generally need a lot of chewing to break down, creating saliva that cleans and rinses teeth while neutralizing the acid. Add the foods listed below to your diet to maintain a healthy mouth, reduce the risk of tooth decay, and brighten up even those pearly whites. Fluoride is a mineral that occurs naturally in many water sources.